Meditation Guides for Beginner

Let's start with a very basic meditation technique to introduce the process. This is the simplest, least complicated way I've found to do so.

First, sit in a comfortable position. There is no need to sit in the "well-known full lotus" position with legs crossed like a pretzel. Sitting in a chair works well too. But make sure your legs are uncrossed, feet flat on the floor and your hands are resting comfortably in her lap. The most important thing is to keep its position from the back very straight. The reason for this is that many people become so relaxed during meditation to fall asleep! That's less likely to happen if you are sitting rather than lying down and if you keep your back straight enough.

Then focus on your breathing. Begin taking slow, deep breaths. Pay attention to each breath. Let the air flow in and out of slow, steady rhythm. There is nothing mystical about this process. The reason that breathing is very important in meditation is that adding extra oxygen to help her body relax.

Continue to focus on your breathing. Long, slow breaths. In'and Watch your breathing out. Coming in'and out.You will notice 'that those tight areas of your body will start to loosen. Concentrate on your breathing and continue your deep breathing.

Sometimes the mind may try to get on the road. You start to think you have to do so later, someone forgot to call, a request that needs to be executed. Do not worry. It is normal that the thoughts that arise while we are meditating, especially when you're learning to do. It takes practice to ignore these random thoughts in your head line, a process often called "monkey mind."

When thoughts try to stop the process, this is what I recommend. Do not try to suppress thoughts. Instead, their testimony. Then simply bring your mind back to your breath every time a thought tries to distract him. Just recognize that you have a thought and let it go. Over time you'll see fewer and fewer thoughts to distract you. But for now, do not worry about it. Simply acknowledge each thought and then go back to your deep breathing. Your goal in this meditation is very basic, through breathing, working for a state free of thoughts.

Do not try to force things. You do not have any expectations. Only the flow with breathing. It is very easy. After a few minutes, after soft breath, you find that your mind is set. When you finally reach that state, you will find it very quiet.

Try to meditate twice a day. I do a morning and an hour before going to bed. You may want to start with a shorter time and then build up to thirty minutes or more. Find what is comfortable for you and do it consistently.


These are the key techniques of meditation:

1. First, be comfortable sitting in a chair with your back straight and legs uncrossed. You can also sit on a mat.

2. Begin by taking slow, deep breaths.

3. Then focus on your breathing, in and out.

4. Do not suppress their thoughts or pursues. Instead, simply witness. Just recognize the thoughts, and then refocus on your breathing.

With practice, you will become better and better, capable of reaching a deeper state faster and with less thoughts and distractions. Good luck as you practice one of the world's oldest methods of bringing mental, spiritual and even physical health.


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